Top Atma Albums
click on the album covers to see atma lyrics inside the album
Funk Street Party
Funk Street Party
The Disease - Single
The Disease - Single
Jerry Smith - Single
Jerry Smith - Single
Fase Dua Empat - EP
Fase Dua Empat - EP
Moksha - EP
Moksha - EP
Destructo - EP
Destructo - EP
ATMA (feat. Jairo Enrique Benitez Habib, Lidia Facerias, Marion Candela & Annabel Ibanez)
ATMA (feat. Jairo Enrique Benitez Habib, Lidia Facerias, Marion Candela & Annabel Ibanez)
Fall of the Idols
Fall of the Idols
Take Your Mind - EP
Take Your Mind - EP
FKOFd014 - EP
FKOFd014 - EP
New Dawn - EP
New Dawn - EP
Music Revolution
Music Revolution
The Secrets of Meditation
The Secrets of Meditation
Beyond the Speed of Mind - Reincarnated
Beyond the Speed of Mind - Reincarnated
J'aspire (Version acoustique)
J'aspire (Version acoustique)
Beyond Good and Evil
Beyond Good and Evil
The Godfather
The Godfather
Related Information for Atma
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Atma is a spiritually and politically aware underground hip hop artist from Chicago, IL. Atma has been writing rhymes since his teen years in the early 90’s, refining his talent for almost 2 decades. After a near death experience in 1997 & subsequent years of studying the ’universal path’ of enlightenment and consciousness with eastern philosophy, he began to incorporate his knowledge into rhyme form, having a deep love for the culture of hip-hop and eastern mysticism. He has done shows with many well known artists & is an honorary member of both Wu-Tang and also Lost Children of Babylon. In 2008, Atma started the supergroup "Masta Buildas" then in 2011... read more
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