Top Carlos Ramos Albums
click on the album covers to see carlos ramos lyrics inside the album
Te Puedo Amar - Single
Te Puedo Amar - Single
Tú y yo (feat. DJ Ian) - Single
Tú y yo (feat. DJ Ian) - Single
Guitarra: Pujol, Asencio, Turina, Ponce, Rodrigo
Guitarra: Pujol, Asencio, Turina, Ponce, Rodrigo
Caminata a Medianoche - Single
Caminata a Medianoche - Single
Carlos Ramos - Essencial
Carlos Ramos - Essencial
Carlos Ramos
Carlos Ramos
Carlos Ramos em Alta Fidelidade
Carlos Ramos em Alta Fidelidade
Sempre Que Lisboa Canta
Sempre Que Lisboa Canta
Evening In Lisbon
Evening In Lisbon
Related Information for Carlos Ramos
He was born in 1907 in Lisbon and passed away in 1969. , Around 1944, he debuted at Cafe Luso, in Bairro Alto, then performing "Senhora do Monte", his first great success. In 1959 he opened his own Fado house."A genuine and typical 'alfacinha', Carlos Ramos, with incredible romantic edge, was one of the popular fado singers, popular with the general Portuguese audience. He had a harmonious and warm voice, which dominated just as he wanted and yet held a modest and discreet posture. He was able to launch a full time artistic career, during which he recorded major hits, especially at the beginning of the sixties, using radio as one of his main avenues. From street to street you could hear everyone bellowing: &#... read more
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