Top Cruachan Albums
click on the album covers to see cruachan lyrics inside the album
Talamh - Single
Talamh - Single
The Living and the Dead
The Living and the Dead
Nine Years of Blood
Nine Years of Blood
Blood for the Blood God
Blood for the Blood God
Blood On the Black Robe
Blood On the Black Robe
A Celtic Legacy
A Celtic Legacy
The Morrigan's Call
The Morrigan's Call
Ride On - EP
Ride On - EP
The Middle Kingdom (Bonus Track Version)
The Middle Kingdom (Bonus Track Version)
Tuatha Na Gael
Tuatha Na Gael
Related Information for Cruachan
Cruachan (kroo-a-khawn) is a Celtic and black metal band from Dublin, Ireland that has been active since the 1990s. They have been acclaimed as having "gone the greatest lengths of anyone in their attempts to expand" the genre of folk metal. They are recognised as one of the founders of the genre of folk metal. With a specific focus on Celtic music and the use of Celtic mythology in their lyrics, Cruachan's style of folk metal is known as Celtic metal. The band named themselves after the archaeological site of Rathcroghan in Ireland also known as Cruachan.Keith Fay had formed a Tolkien-inspired black metal band by the name of Minas Tirith in 1991. Around the same time, he began listening to more folk musi... read more
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