Top Frank's White Canvas Albums
click on the album covers to see frank's white canvas lyrics inside the album
My Life, My Canvas
My Life, My Canvas
We Exist Live (Live)
We Exist Live (Live)
We Exist (Live)
We Exist (Live)
Exist - EP
Exist - EP
Official page Frank's White Canvas mp3
Related Information for Frank's White Canvas
Frank's White Canvas is a musical duet formed by "Francisca Torés" (drums) and Karin Aguilera (Vocals/Guitar) in 2014 with the intention to create honest music, led mainly by strong vocals and solid drums. Their music seeks connection; through their lyrics, melodies, and the landscapes they create, even the way they dress on stage. Everything is there for a reason: communicate.The band's name is a reminder that you can always go back to white when you need to create. No matter what your circumstances are. Your life is your canvas. Even though they are a duet, during their live shows they play with guitarist "Yeray Santos". Their debut EP "INTUITION" was released in January 2014, they played every pla... read more
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