Top Minus Albums
click on the album covers to see minus lyrics inside the album
Aaja - Single
Aaja - Single
Travel Alone - Single (feat. Sela Hack) - Single
Travel Alone - Single (feat. Sela Hack) - Single
Petit Chaos
Petit Chaos
All Dark Everything - EP
All Dark Everything - EP
Depression and Diarrhea
Depression and Diarrhea
Gawd - Single
Gawd - Single
Connection Made
Connection Made
Batched and Foiled
Batched and Foiled
The Infamous - EP
The Infamous - EP
EatWorkPrayEatWorkPlay - EP
EatWorkPrayEatWorkPlay - EP
The Great White Hype
The Great White Hype
Hard Feelings
Hard Feelings
Minus - EP
Minus - EP
Electric Players League (feat. Inna Ryden) - EP
Electric Players League (feat. Inna Ryden) - EP
The Great Northern Whalekill
The Great Northern Whalekill
Double or Nothing
Double or Nothing
The Crimson Album
The Crimson Album
Halldór Laxness (endurútgáfa)
Halldór Laxness (endurútgáfa)
Halldór Laxness
Halldór Laxness
Halldor Laxness
Halldor Laxness
Jesus Christ Bobby
Jesus Christ Bobby
Dark Lit
Dark Lit
Hey, Johnny!
Hey, Johnny!
Minus twitter Minus mp3
Related Information for Minus
There is more than one artist with this name:1) Hardcore band from Santa Barbara, California, featuring members of Violation, Backtrack, Fell To Low and Downpresser. All recordings available to stream, download and purchase on their Bandcamp.2) Hardcore band from Iceland. This band is actually called "Mínus" (pronounced Mee-noose) with an accent over the "I" rather than Minus.3) For the last few years, Minus (real name Daniel Stanciu) has been doing all sorts of stuff like Chiptune, Glitch, Dub and experimental Hip Hop. After attending the 2010 Red Bull Music Academy in London and playing at Sonar Festival, he has recently released an EP about his childhood by the Romanian seaside. Get it here: http://www... read more
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