Top Nina Hagen Albums
click on the album covers to see nina hagen lyrics inside the album
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Personal Jesus
Personal Jesus
A Journey to the Snowqueen
A Journey to the Snowqueen
Immer lauter - EP
Immer lauter - EP
Return of the Mother
Return of the Mother
Der Wind hat mir ein Lied erzählt - EP
Der Wind hat mir ein Lied erzählt - EP
Schön ist die Welt - EP
Schön ist die Welt - EP
Related Information for Nina Hagen
Catharina "Nina" Hagen (born on March 11, 1955) is a singer from former East Berlin, German Democratic Republic; now Berlin, Germany. Her musical career began when she left school at age sixteen, and went to Poland in 1971. After that, she returned to Germany and joined the cover band Fritzens Dampferband (Fritz's Steamboat Band), together with Achim Mentzel and others. She added songs by Janis Joplin and Tina Turner to the "allowable" set lists during shows.From 1972 to 1973, Hagen enrolled in the crash-course performance program at The Central Studio for Light Music in East Berlin. Upon graduation, she joined the band Automobil (picture), which released a well-received album in Germany, including her first hit &qu... read more
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