Liar liar, pants on fire
See you squirm, see you perspire
Not a word you say is true
There's never been one out of you
Smoke & mirrors, bait and switch
You and your friends are getting rich
Picking pockets, pulling strings
And other more despicable things
Liar Liar, pants on fire
Preaching only to the choir
Photo op in front of the steeple
How did you manage to fool these people?
Talk the lingo, dress the part
Even put your hand on your heart
Bomber jacket, emperor's clothes
You can't even reach the end of your nose
Liar liar, pants on fire
Chain of command doesn't get any higher
Orders come down from the top
Punish the guy who pushes the mop
Throw away the key and forget about bail
The likes of you ought to rot in jail
Guilty! Guilty of the highest crimes
And the lowest ones at the very same time
Liar liar, pants on fire
Teleprompter, hidden wire
Who's this G-d that speaks to you
Who would authorize the things you do?
Bend the rules, twist the facts
Make excuses, cover your tracks
Why won't you let anybody see
The flag-draped coffins on tv?
Liar liar, been found out
Whistleblowers talked about
How you classify & cook the books
For the benefit of a bunch of crooks