I'm running, running
While sun on horizon sends its rays onto my way
I'm breathing, breathing
But life escapes me like the air I exhale
I'm watching you, watching you
Though my view tells me it fails to describe your face
Yearning while burning while coming apart
While looking for what I cannot really find
I run, I run, but I'm still behind
Someone whose footprints fit mine
I'm talking, talking
But rivers of words will never wet the soil they're rising at
Never stopping, never stopping
While sun on horizon beams its rays onto my way
And all that tools of torture coming by, iron maiden, shoo-fly
Will make it great a play
Yearning while burning while coming apart
While looking for what I cannot really find
I run, I run, but I'm still behind
Someone whose footprints fit mine
Run, run, run to me
And all your dreams will be
See, see, see the sky
Fall down from on high
May all the turns I've missed
All goals I've never seized
Dissolve in your arms.