Top Adhitia Sofyan Albums
click on the album covers to see adhitia sofyan lyrics inside the album
Ujung Andromeda - Single
Ujung Andromeda - Single
Stubborn Heart
Stubborn Heart
Adhitia Sofyan Live At Synchronize Fest 2017
Adhitia Sofyan Live At Synchronize Fest 2017
Songs from Your Stories
Songs from Your Stories
Tuesday Night Fever Studio (Live) - EP
Tuesday Night Fever Studio (Live) - EP
Adhitia Sofyan Live At Synchronize Fest 2019
Adhitia Sofyan Live At Synchronize Fest 2019
Other Side - EP
Other Side - EP
Chronicles of You
Chronicles of You
8 Tahun - EP
8 Tahun - EP
Silver Painted Radiance
Silver Painted Radiance
How To Stop Time
How To Stop Time
Forget Your Plan
Forget Your Plan
Quiet Down
Quiet Down
Related Information for Adhitia Sofyan
Adhitia Sofyan (36) is a singer-songwriter from Jakarta, Indonesia.He started to write acoustic tunes in late 2007, and after he sent some of his songs to an independent chart on a radio station, which two of his songs “Adelaide Sky” and “Memilihmu” made it into number ones, his music journey began.Now Adhitia performs on various events based on invitation. From his musical journey he has found some surprises; 2 ICEMA (Indonesian Cutting Edge Music Awards) awards as Favorite Solo Artist and Favorite Singer-Songwriter in 2010, his song ‘Adelaide Sky’ was chosen as an OST for ‘Kambing Jantan’ The Movie directed by Rudi Sudjarwo, he performed on Harmoni SCTV with famous music director Andi Rianto and his orchestra, he performed twice in... read more
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