Top Ien Oblique Albums
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Drowning World
Drowning World
Official page Ien Oblique mp3
Related Information for Ien Oblique
ien oblique ('En-O-'blEk) are an electro-noir band comprised of Jared Lambert, Juan Espinosa and Bryant Griffin. Jared is the singer/songwriter and has been involved in several alt rock bands. Juan is the man behind the project "Cellmod" along with about a million other ideas that he has floating around in that brain of his while Bryant, well he doesn’t say much and he’d like to keep it that way. This innovative new band is crawling out of the shadows and into the limelight with their album "Drowning World" which is scheduled for release on Infacted Recordings. Drowning World will pull you under with its addictive tracks and leave you swimming breathless in a sea of flowing lyrics, fluid vocals, catchy... read more
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