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On The Inside
69 Chambers
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On The Inside Lyrics

It's hard undo damage done but easy
To repeat the mistake knowing what's to be

There's war on the inside
That's why I try to make outside
What you wanna see
I'm on the inside, that's where I fight
The demons you have set upon me

Need to feel the empty space you've created
Not that it makes much sense but I can't escape it

There's war on the inside
That's why I try to make outside
What you wanna see
I'm on the inside, that's where I fight
The demons you have set upon me

Need you to
Fill the empty space you've created
I can't escape
War on the inside
That's where I try to fill this divide
But you just won't see
I'm on the inside
That's what I've tried to show you
But you just don't see
On the inside

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2013 69 Chambers
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