(Time of) Globalization and
Where everybody has to get on well
With thoughts and stuff
that a few create
Massive hard sell, new technologies
All soften up the
We use to think that we're livin free, but
All that's our ball and
People think there's an endless growth
And a constant life of
But seems to be a hard-living time
In the 21st Century
Some good
bands are ready to head off
Some bad stay 'cause they're very cool
I know
it's all about pulling strings, so
Don't treat me like a fool
Nobody cares
'bout the newest bands
Cause we can get 'em from the net
And all the bigwigs
and show bussines men
Are always looking for the safest bet
So the age of
the rock'n'roll empire
Seems to be coming back
But young blood has to take it
Because we know that...
We are the 21st Century Rock!
We are the 21st
Century Rock!
We've got to be right up into the top!
We are the 21st Century