Reassemble Lyrics

I have come undone
Desperate and out of touch
Fall when I should run

Am I worth a reassemble?

I have come undone
This illness is my crutch
Call out to anyone

Am I worth a I toss turn beneath the waves
A silent victim of the depths
Cast aside I'm scrambling to catch my...
I can't find my way out as I'm descending
My path remains unclear as the water overtakes me

Drowning in my despair

I have come undone
Desperate and out of touch
Fall when I should run
Am I worth a reassemble?

I have come undone
This illness is my crutch
Call out to anyone
Am I worth a reassemble?
My thoughts are not my own
No where's safe alone in the tide

I'm not alone and it sinks in
This current's pulling me under

Drowning in my despair

I have come undone
Desperate and out of touch
Fall when I should run
Am I worth a reassemble?

I have come undone
This illness is my crutch
Call out to anyone
Am I worth a reassemble?

The surf's against us
Are we able?
Forgive our faults when they're shameful
Let's be honest with ourselves
Worn and broken, reassembled
Forgive our thoughts when they're shameful
Let's be honest with ourselves, let's be honest with ourselves

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these lyrics are submitted by BURKUL8
Songwriter(s): andrew wade, jeremy mckinnon, kevin skaff, neil westfall
Record Label(s): 2016 ADTR Records, LLC
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