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Religious Scam
A Global Threat
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Religious Scam Lyrics

your bible is nothing more than fiction
priests are practicing crucifixion
there's something i will say to you
those f*cking stories are still not true
they brainwash you and take your money
with stories of the christ almighty
you use the bible to "cleanse yourself"
you can go and f*ck yourself
religion is a scam, your money's in their hands
their lies are nothing new, don't let them brainwash you
preaching priests are full of shit
some are alcoholics, some molest kids
take cash donations in the name of god
what a f*cking brilliant fraud
a pregnant nun clenches her fist
says 10 hail mary's as she cuts her wrist
she takes two lives to fix one sin
because she was brainwashed by religion

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Songwriter(s): CIVITARESE MARK
Record Label(s): 2009 Punk Core
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