Six Feet Of Rope And Revenge Lyrics
At the end of the road
As they're daring along,
He jumped to the lion's den
And the noose was tied tight
Up around his neck
He used sand and blood to entertain
Life is short
And it's rules are long
They'll beat you again and again
When push comes to shove
Your time is up
Don't extinguish your favorite flame
This is not
A way to end
Life's too short to
Waste my friend
These copper color hearts
Exposed to the world
He spelt pride with his hammer and his tongue
Face to the wall
He put his back upon it
And sank to oblivion
At a moment a heavy hearts
Should stand till the bitter end
The growing crowd
Is baying for blood
They want six feet of rope and revenge
This is not
A way to end
Life's too short to
Waste my friend
This is not
A way to end
Life's too short to
Waste my friend
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