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See You Inside
A Spectre Is Haunting Europe
A Spectre Is Haunting Europe wikiSee You Inside video


See You Inside Lyrics

watching from a bucket like a cat keeping quiet and cold, coldly staring at the flowers on your dress.
mistaken for a spider, common to this web.
it's warm inside that cocoon.
your autonomic system is controlled.
some go home.
some get lost there.
some evaluate the cost.
where eagles dare to roam.
where you always land alone, while something small and silicone sits back and counts the minutes.
and it's blind.
so blind.
you stole my eyes.
I miss my eyes.
see you inside.
waiting in the rain is not a way to wash your hair while gold-yellow taxicabs, flying by, produce no futures.
mistaken for a chance to see, a glance at something heavenly.
where eagles dare to roam.
where you always land alone, while something small and silicone sits back and counts the minutes.
and it's blind.
so blind.
you stole my eyes.
I miss my eyes.
see you inside.

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Record Label(s): 2004 Simulacre Records
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