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Devil By Design
A Tragedy In Progress
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Devil By Design Lyrics

A snake in the grass would have a hard time getting lower
A fake till the last breath, a side that you didn't show her

You gain her confidence
You stay around until the last dime is spent
The dollar count creeps higher and higher

Stealing more than material worth
For your gain, the price is her hurt
Lie after lie adding fuel to the fire

Always an answer for questioning minds
Proof in the papers time after time
Moving on, before she even knows it's a crime

And you're getting by thinking that this will last forever
But your time is coming, an end to this reckless endeavor

You gain her confidence
You stay around until the last dime is spent
The dollar count creeps higher and higher

Stealing more than material worth
For your gain, the price is her hurt
Lie after lie adding fuel to the fire
A look in the cell in which you're spending time
Plotting your next move, crafting a line
Have you always been a devil by design?

Have you always been a devil by design?

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Songwriter(s): A Tragedy In Progress
Record Label(s): 2012 Indianola Records
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