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Closed And Locked
A Well Thought Tragedy
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Closed And Locked Lyrics

I pray there still hope for me to come to terms with everything that happened to me when i was young and helpless. The things you did to me made my skin crawl. The retrospect is a nightmare. Not a day goes by that I don't feel the guilt and shame. How could I have been so foolish? I promised myself i would forget it all. The pain and discomfort were buried years ago. Closed and locked is the door to my past. Then why do your hands still haunt me? Why am i stained forever from your filthy wrath? I hope there really is such a thing as karma. I hope you get what you deserve in the end. Oh, how i would watch someone do to you what you did to me. I wouldn't look away. I wouldn't blink. Animals like you belong in cages. Just like the one that you kept me in. Never again. I wrote this for you. To show you I have become the walls of my own castle. In solitude. In solitude. I put these gates up to keep you out but the truth is that you're gone. Now the only thing these gates keep away is people that I love. I have forgotten how to trust. I will never be the same

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2006 Creep Records
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