Stompin The Fuse Lyrics
My head is wrong
My knees are blue
Pass me the bong
And I'll get rid of you
Yeah, I'll get rid of you
And I'm stomping the fuse
Why did you bail
I got a gift from you,
and it hurts like hell
It hurts like hell!
It's coming soon
The moment of truth
the Salt in my wounds
Makes me miss you
Salt in my wounds
And I'm stomping the fuse
Why did you bail
I got a gift from you,
and it hurts like hell
It hurts like hell!
There's a ring in my ears
Loud and clear
You gave it the sound, you said "hold on to what is dear
everyday above ground"
Too close to the drain
This cannon is loose, yeah
This world is strange
when I'm in your shoes, yeah
I'm in your shoes
And I'm stomping the fuse
Why did you bail
I got a gift from you,
and it hurts like hell
It hurts like hell!
It hurts like hell!
It hurts like hell!
It hurts like hell!
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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2009 Wishbone Recordings
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