Collapsing backwards
We should have never answered
No reconnect
God of death
The water made wood
The soil turns to snakes
And then the sky collapsed
And then my mind collapsed
This is not a spiritual war
Our only sin was giving them names
Knowledge passed
I was never asked
Stampede upon the mind
The pearls become the swine
This is not a spiritual war
Our only sin was giving them names
The tower has fallen
The staircase leads to nowhere
This is an attack on the mind
I want you to feel what I feel
I want you to see what I've seen
I want you to feel what I feel
I want you to see what I've seen
"Without body. They are illusions only. Shadows without substance. They will not pass through your body, for they do not exist... They do not exist... Unreal. Appearances only. They are shadows. Illusions. Nothing but ghosts of reality. They are lies. Falsehoods. Specters without body. They are to be ignored."