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Boyfriend's Habits
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Boyfriend's Habits Lyrics

You can't stand
It's like when you clean your butt and watch your shitty toilet-paper
That's your girl can't avoid looking around on the beach with 1000 tits
And you the same insensible dranght...
You never wanna grow a sunday sleeper
And nothing more she should see the difference,
Man thoughts meaning ashes blonde tits just for past-time,
I've never touched plastic fantasies, just male emotions at all
I've seen her reading a fancy romance warriors, dwarfs, dragons, amazons and elves
So I smile and understand:
I'm this kind of man that she loves but no sword in my brave hand
I win my enemies with a beer I think it's so easy realizing the analogy don't ask more
I love you, ok but you're not only one in this world

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these lyrics are submitted by BURKUL4
Record Label(s): 2007 Unicorn Digital Inc
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