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Cranky Lyrics

Cranky, cranky, make a pest a pet
It stops annoying me
Mosquito burst from, too much my exotic red
A good year, but rotten grapes
To find me one escape
Cranky, cranky, cranky, cranky
I licked the ocean, they bury me in a tree
Branch on pull outside, beat by a baseball bat
Beat by a baseball bat, beat by a baseball bat
Beat by a baseball bat, beat by a baseball bat
Beat by a baseball bat, ohhhh, yeah
Make a pest a pet, make a pest a pet
Make a pest a pet, pest a pet
Make a pest a pet, make a pest a pet
Make a pest a pet, make a pest a pet, oh oh ohh, yeah
Beat by a baseball bat, beat by a baseball bat
Beat by a baseball bat, beat by a bat

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