You And I Lyrics

Here comes the rain
Its pouring down on me
And the pain
Making it hard for me
Words just won't get me through
And making love won't do
And something inside me is dying

You and I
We planned it all
Those dreams on yesterday
There's too much love
And too much time
To throw it all away
I've got to find
Some space and time
To get back what's mine
I'm losing myself
So I've got to go away
So I came come back again

Laughter and tears
Color my memories
And the years
When all my dreams were free
Got to go back to find
Feelings we left behind
Cause something inside us is dying
You and I
We rided on
Those dreams of yesterday
There's too much love
And too much time
To throw it all away
I've got to find
Some space and time
Get back what's mine
I'm losing myself so
I've got to go away
So I can come back again

You and I
We rided on
Those dreams of yesterday
There's too much love
And too much time
To throw it all away
I've got to find
Some space and time
Get back what's mine
I'm losing myself so
I've got to go away
So I can come back again
I've got to go away
So I can come back again

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Record Label(s): 1976 Sony Music Entertainment Inc
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