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Black Gives Way To Blue
Alice In Chains


Black Gives Way To Blue Lyrics

I don't wanna feel no more
It's easier to keep falling
Imitations appeal
Emptiness all tomorrows
Haunted by your ghost

Lay down, black gives way to blue
Lay down, I'll remember you

Fading out by design
Consciously avoiding changes
Curtains drawn now it's done
Silencing all tomorrows
Forcing a goodbye

Lay down, black gives way to blue
Lay down, I'll remember you...

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these lyrics are submitted by Dylan
these lyrics are last corrected by Mattie
Songwriter(s): Jerry Cantrell
Record Label(s): 2009 Virgin Records America, Inc All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws Manufactured by Virgin Records A
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dAVE May 31, 2010-20:39

I think it's, FORCING OUR GOODBYE. ISNT IT?Great job either way.Jerry can deny it 4 ever but this song was written 4 and about Layne.RIP Layne.U R MISSED DEARLY AND WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN
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