Could Have Been A Contender Lyrics

He sits and smiles at his big CV
Thinking he's just
A piece of some being
What exactly is he trying to prove?

I wake up beside my bed and I look at the clock
And I scratch my head
Where am I supposed to be?
I know what I wish that I could see

He could have been a contender
Once drunk he said to me
A brilliant fiction writer
But he had to leave it be

I bang into my desk again and I look at the clock
God it's only ten
At least I know I plan on moving on

I look at him with his cobweb eyes amusing
Himself with a wacky tie
What is he supposed to be?
Creation lost in apathy

He could have been a contender
Once drunk he said to me
So why not make it happen?
Even Pupkin had his way
He could have been a contender
Once drunk he said to me
Well there's one shot in the barrel
I'm done with sympathy

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these lyrics are submitted by gsba3
Songwriter(s): Ally Kerr
Record Label(s): 2008 Much Obliged Records
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