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Almost Home
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Collapse Lyrics

This house has never been so quiet
Quieter than the ever impatient-growing soul
That inhabits his body.
The warning sirens are all that can be heard
so he blocked his ears.

He sits praying that things are going to get better
While in the comfort of his own arms, he weeps;
"I only hope that I will get out,
there must be more to my life than this."
His only wish.

He's breaking, he's broken
He's breaking, he's breaking down.

If I could change my fate
I wouldn't be telling you this story
I'd be walking in different shoes
But the truth is;
I am nothing, I have nothing, I exist for nothing.

But all I have is the beating in my chest.

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2009 No Panic Records
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