Danger Ahead Lyrics
In my heart lives
A stranger
Of love
In my palm are lines
Meaning life
A written down
Unspoken me
A wall will rise
And I break it
For a handful of dirt
Have it all
It's all there
In the light shines
The way I helped you to pave
But there's danger ahead
I'll find a way to steal your thunder
Danger ahead
I'll trick you out instead
You can call it a bad
I fell
For the words of you
Feel for me when you're stuck
With the truth
Don't own me
Don't owe me anything
No longer deprived
But freed
By the reward that
Patience pays
Lift me up
Leave me go
By the red rag you're waving at me
There is danger ahead
I'll find a way to steal your thunder
Danger ahead
I'll trick you out instead
By Kad®
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Record Label(s): 2007 Akin Records
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