For the day of the eternal comes, & your remains will be spread among thee
All will be gathered, houses destroyed & women raped...
For he will rise & will fight until the very last day
There shall be no light, for this moment to be unique neither day neither night
His name will then be the only name
From every doors to every angles, in every places on earth
Flesh will rot while standing on your feet
Eyes rotting in their cavities
Tongue drying in mouth
All the hands rising to the skies, pray pray pray for salvation
Fighting for Redemption
Any living form will suffer from the plague
From all nations, they will kneel down, to celebrate the coming wrath
From every doors to every angles, in every places on earth
Flesh will rot while standing on your feet
Eyes rotting in their cavities
Tongue drying in mouth
All the hands rising to the skies, pray pray pray for salvation
Fighting for Redemption
Any living form will suffer from the plague
Servants of Wrath
On this very day, He will chant through me
Anything great is built upon sorrow, through your eyes I see the thousand lives I could swallow...
2. Cyklik Torture
Awake me, great father
Bless my throat! Thy wordz are spoken
Denigrate, the life I was given Rebirth of thought, that
Riveting time when All the ideas
I never got Lurk the answerz To force real life into
Making sense in my
Mind numbed by the "dream"... I once lived.
Take Me In, yet it's all Carved in my flesh
The indelible scarves
Of who I was, am and will be Predico incultus per animus qoud cruor
Benis ego vestri hostilitas