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Cheers Boys
Arabens Anus
Arabens Anus wikiCheers Boys video


Cheers Boys Lyrics

Always same nag at home, the woman is shouting i pick up the phone
i said; old mate get me a cab, take me to Tony's, a lager i grab

Cheers Boys, drink it all up
fill up your glasses we will never stop
get drunk, do what you want
go and get pissed and act like a punk

Scabby Sue, a hooker for two
she'll f*ck you for nothing i tell you it's true
she is ugly as hell, give her a penny and you hear the bell Cheers Boys, drink it all up....

Nasty, nasty ol' Jack, he hit you at once if you turn him your back
you did it, and all turned to black
jump up at once and go to attack

Cheers Boys, drink it all up....

Kick boys, screw all the chicks, act like a man and show them your dicks
Rape them, if they refuse
give them your hard on and drink up the booze

Cheers Boys, drink it all up....

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): jan lindstrm
Record Label(s): 2010 Jan Lindstr m
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