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You're Not Smiling


You're Not Smiling Lyrics

You're not smiling
I've come a long way just to see you smiling
You're not laughin'
I've come a long long way just to hear you laughing

I guess that things have changed since I've been gone
Because something, somehow, somewhere has gone wrong

You're not lovin'
I've come a long way just to feel your loving
You're not near me
I've come a long long way just to feel you near me

I cannot really claim to understand
'cos maybe there is something that I lack
Or maybe there's been somethin' underhand
Goin' on behind my back

You really make me feel so insecure
I fel like packin' up and goin' back
Or maybe we should try a natural cure
Come on babe let's hit the sack

Now you're lyin'
I've not come all this way to hear you lyin'
Now you're cryin'
I've not come all this way to see you cryin'

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2009 The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Virgin Records Ltd
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