Total views: 1 time this week / Rating: 7.33/10 [3 votes]Album: Carry On / Original Release Date: 1988-10-25Genre: Christian & GospelSong Duration: 4 min 09 sec
Who was born Son of GOD yet son of man. Who laid down HIS life and rose to live again. Who rides the clouds of glory.
Whose kingdom never ends. There is no other name.
JESUS the one and only. Faithful, True and Holy. HE’S the Son of Righteousness. Worthy of the Glory. JESUS CHRIST, the one and only.
Verse Two
Let every voice in Earth and Heaven all sing praise. And every heart be a holy hiding place. Let every knee bow down and every tongue confess the name. Of Jehovah's only Son, the risen One!
Repeat Chorus
(Solo sing the chorus at the same time as the choir sings the bridge.)
All hail the power of JESUS name. Let angels prostrate fall. Bring forth the royal diadem. And crown HIM LORD of all.
check amazon for Jesus The One And Only mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by Mark Flippo Songwriter(s): Babbie Y. Mason Record Label(s): 1988 Word Entertainment LLC, A Warner Curb Company Official lyrics by
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