Architeuthis Lyrics

I have been down here for so many years, far from your
poison wind, gadgets and gears.
And the blood in my veins flows just like ice.
That's the way that I like it, I think it feels nice.
Won't you let me go down
Float away from the light
Won't you let me go down
It's a beautiful night
Gliding away in my inky black sea
Let me go down, let me be.
So you took my right arm and my dignity
Go ahead take what you want but let me go free
You're not going to help things by lying to me
Because my days are numbered, on that we agree
I can remember a time when I was unknown
I was graceful and silent , alive and alone
So here you come with your cameras and pencils and books,
and all your preconceived notions like grappling hooks
You say you've come to meet the "real me"
Well here is some insight I'll give you for free

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2008 Forosoco Records
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