Walls of suspicion, spandrels of doubt
Spasms of uncertainty, a world all inside-out
Ubiquitous confusion, heads in the sand
Self-appointed experts making claims they can't defend or even understand
The commons turned out to be a tragedy
Oh, the victims are easy to find
But the wellspring of true liberty is emancipation of the mind
Hey! Chains of superstition all come undone
Vivid illumination that's brighter than the sun
A handicap of bigotry and prejudice
All becomes a hinterland, a smoky wilderness...
The dominion of ignorancе
The commons turned out to be a tragеdy
Oh, the victims are easy to find
But the wellspring of true liberty is emancipation of the mind
It's a stalemate of morality, a debt for all mankind
These haughty mental shackles make us blind to what is really right
The commons turned out to be a tragedy
Yeah, the victims are easy to find
But the wellspring of true liberty is emancipation of the mind
See what you can find if you take a different line
Emancipation of the mind