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Privilege Lyrics

I am the freedom that you're fighting
I am the sweetness that you're hiding
I am the heaven at your door and I am waiting
I have wings and they are beating
I am flying and I am free
Don't you see the way I'm heading for shore?
Taking me home
Do you see the sun
Through the sea?
Heaven asking for more
Heaven asking for more
I am brave and I am staying
I am hands and they are praying
I am heaven at your door and I am waiting
I am day and I am breaking
In the dawn it is I'm waking
Don't you see the way I'm heading for shore?
Taking me home
Do you see the sun through the sea?
And I found freedom in your eyes and I know it's the same
Heaven asking for more
Heaven asking for more
Taking me home
Taking me home
Taking me home
Through the sea I am home

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these lyrics are submitted by burkul
Songwriter(s): Garrett Schwartz, Jody Quine
Record Label(s): 2002 BMG
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