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Barcode wikiRepresentin video


Representin Lyrics

What's up
What's the word in the house
Which school's representin' the real shit
What the f*ck, go pretend or be true
Still it's coming down - coming down on you

What's it to you
The way that it goes
Does it move you - push you out of control
No opinion what'soever at all
Straight up plain and simple

Now what
Keep it up - come on
Step forth - don't miss nothing at all
Now what
It'll conquer all
All you see - all you ever saw
Game is up
Go play the ball

Ain't no wrong or right this time
No u-turn - no run and hide
It's been built up slowly and now it's coming on strong
Ain't no wrong or right this time
No u-turn - no run and hide
Make a stand - make a move
Let's rave on

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Record Label(s): 2005 Hardboiled
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