.000.000 Lyrics

I've seen your place before, I've tread thid field ???
I bought a plastic light, my separate ceiling blade
My city to the scope, my ???? spokes
My ????
But she'll never never know
My ?? has a ???

I come from lots of????
My very modest tricks
My pricks and belly rose (?)
My operation blows
My big pollution grows
I never spoke of flood
My ?????

(AAARRGGHH!!! Okay, I give up for now; this may not be
right, but at least I tried!
I'm sure it will all come to me in a dream one night with
A man on a flaming pie clearly spouting the words to this
Song. I'll get back with you.....Deborah)

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Beck Hansen, Beck

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