Words by Geof O’Keefe & Randy Palmer;
Music by Randy Palmer.
Instrumentation: Rhythm and 1st
Lead guitar: Randy Palmer;
Drums and 2nd Lead guitar: Geof O’Keefe;
Vocals and Bass guitar: Bobby Liebling.
It’s really too bad it had to turn out that way.
What happened to the friends you had yesterday?
Now they have gone; they’ve always won,
But you know they’ll come back when they want some fun.
They took you for a ride down a one-way road.
They have no respect for the feelings they owe.
Now they have gone; they’ve always won,
But you know they’ll come back when they want some fun.
Well they’re knocking again at your front door;
Now the carpet’s stained crimson, where you lie on the floor.
Now they have gone; they’ve always won,
But you know they’ll come back when they want some fun.