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Prideful Demise
Behold The Kingdom
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Prideful Demise Lyrics

hell beneath you is excited for your coming
and the dead ones, stir, for you
all the kings of the world,
will rise up from their thrones,
they'll speak to you and say,
your pride will bring your end,
you have said in your heart that i will ascend into
i will exalt my throne above the stars of God,
i will be like the Most High, i will rise through the
but you will kneel soon enough, o' foolish one,
now, pre-pare your-bed, with the mag-gots
worms for-your blan-kets, always consuming
seek out what it is that you desire in this world,
you'll find your arm and eat your flesh down to the bone,
and the eyes of the wicked will fail
those you knew, will stare at you, what have you, be-come
where is your reward for your selfish ambitions?
groping in the dark, waiting for your execution,
panic closing in and your body getting weaker,
your name won't matter when you're just a corpse
Yahweh, give me Your protection,
from the wicked one
lift your voice, sing Him praise, glo-ri-fy, A-do-nai

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2011 Behold The Kingdom
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