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Ben Marwood
I Will Breathe You In
Ben Marwood wikiToil video


Toil Lyrics

If you hear this song aloud when I am not around
Please know that everything will be alright
And life can't hurt you now
If your sick of days aquiver
Is it time to stand and shout?
Send your enemies to hiding instead of hiding out

[Verse 1]
Believe me when I say I'm at peace with the day
When the dead will rise and take me to my grave
But it's easier to look the o-t-h-e-r way
And no matter what your f*cking neighbours say
I refuse to sober up and so dec - a - ay
It's what you say ... heh - ey

If you hear this song aloud when I am not around
Please know that everything will be alright
And life can't hurt you now
If your sick of days aquiver
Is it time to stand and shout?
Send your enemies to hiding instead of hiding out .. Oh Lord

[Verse 1]
Believe me when I shout
There's no point freaking out
You can't claim a single second lost to doubt
It's the movement of the atmosphere
The way you choose to disappear
The silent shout that's what you hear
Back up your regrets
And wind down the days you toil
Write my name into the soil

If you hear this song aloud when I am not around
Please know that everything will be alright
And life can't hurt you now
If your sick of days aquiver
Is it time to stand and shout?
Send your enemies to hiding instead of hiding out
And yes it's true we've loved and lost but in the end we've won
We've the best in friends and family and an endless thirst for fun
With a love of the macabre and a sideline for bad jokes
We'd rather sing of Lovecraft than sit through Ho-lly - o-o - o-aks
No no no, no

If you hear this song aloud when I am not around
Please know that everything will be alright
Though I am in the ground
'Cause it isn't where you finish, it's the way you run this race
And I intend to go the distance, but I'll do it at my own pace

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these lyrics are submitted by BURKUL4
Songwriter(s): ben marwood
Record Label(s): 2010 Xtra Mile Recordings
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