If I'm too scared to tell a lie
Can I look you in the eye
Too scared to tell a lie
If I'm too scared to tell the truth
What do I mean to you?
Too scared to tell the truth
You tell me
What you see
If I try to tell a lie
Can you see it in my eyes
That I can't form a lie
If I think about what's true
And what I cannot do
You tell me
What you see
If I get caught up in a lie
I'm to face my own demise
I don't wanna lie
If I dare dispute the truth
What am I gonna do
You tell me
What you see
I can't face
What I did
check amazon for Tell A Lie mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by itunew3 Songwriter(s): Estella Adeyeri, Chardine Taylor-Stone, Stephanie Phillips Record Label(s): 2018 Daydream Library Official lyrics by
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