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Go Away Maggie
Big Smith


Go Away Maggie Lyrics

Go away, Maggie!
The children are crying in their beds.
I can smell the smoke and whiskey on you
Humming in a cloud around your head.
You look just like the devil
The way your brown eyes glow bright red--
The way your brown eyes glow bright red.

Shut your mouth, baby!
How can you laugh at the things you do?
Our kids are afraid to call your name--
You don't believe it but it's true.
You were brought up better, baby--
What in the hell's become of you?
What in the hell has become of you?
Go away, Maggie, go away!
Go away, Maggie, go away!
It don't matter how I found out
Don't matter who's to blame.
I've just got to find a way to live my life again.
Go away, Maggie, go away.

Sleep tonight where you've been sleeping--
We'll be gone when you get home.
We can't wait for the chickens to come back to roost--
I think the fox got everyone.
But come the day of judgment
You'll be sorry you were born.
You'll be sorry you were born.


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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 1998 MayApple Records
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