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Big Umbrella
Big Umbrella
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Big Umbrella Lyrics

Sometimes I use you like a shield,
Cut down the rows of stinging rain.
Sometimes I use you like a pillow
Bury my face and I shout the pain.
You're like a rainbow on a field
You break the melancholy
You've become a sort of sanctuary to me.
You are the power that I wield.
Big Umbrella
Over my head
Big Umbrella
Cut down the rows of stinging rain
And when I'm feeling kind of hollow
Like a rusting hull at the bottom of Truk Lagoon
And when this world gets hard to swallow
And I just can't take another spoon,
You're like a secret just revealed.
Push out the stale air.
You've become a sort of sanctuary to me.
Anytime you're looking, you can find me there.
You're the Big Umbrella over me.
Anytime it rains.

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