If You Call Me Love Lyrics

That's okay if you're alone
That's okay if you don't need me, just…
Just don't call me when you're cold
And your scars look like they're bleeding
Cause I know you've got no blood and I know you've got no feelings
Since the keeper gives a hint of the secrets that he's keeping

Cause I cannot fill up the holes inside your heart
So I will just stand up and leave before the night comes
But will you call my name? Oh, will you call me back?
And so wrong… oh, it seems so wrong until it ends
And so long, but I'd still cling onto your veins

Oh, that's okay if you're alone
That's okay if you don't need me
Just please call me when you're cold
And your scars look like they're bleeding
Though I know you've got no blood and I know you've got no feelings

I don't mind, if you call me love I don't mind

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Songwriter(s): Birthh
Record Label(s): 2016 Birthh
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