I think I like you
Is it too late to change
I think I'd like to
try to change my ways now
But when the facts are in the game
Just isn't kind or right
And we are primal
As our instincts take shape
It clouds our judgement
And makes the wrong road feel safe
But when the facts are in the game
Just isn't kind or right
Can you answer now?
Can you answer now?
I wish you'd try
Can you answer now?
Can you answer now?
I wish you'd try
I think I like you
Is it too late to change
I think I'd like to
try to change my ways now
But when the facts are in the game
Just isn't kind or right
Can you answer now?
Can you answer now?
I wish you'd try
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check amazon for I Like U mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by kaan Songwriter(s) : Paul Mazzolini, Pierluigi Giombini Record Label(s) : 2006 Idol Records Official lyrics by
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