Haunted Lyrics
Colder than ice
But sweating from every pore
As if I'm harboring poltergeists
Deep within my core
Hypothermia starts to settle
Deep within my chest
Rib cage of black ice
From my immoral guest
I see the smoke rising
From my frozen breath
A vapor filled embodiment
Of the possessing death
Hearing the whispers call
To my suicidal tendencies
Loading the pistol
Feel it against me teeth
I feel my psyche cracking
Beneath all the weight
Of a dark passenger
Turning me to what I hate
Hearing the whispers call
To my suicidal tendencies
Surrender all ambitions
And bite the bullet now
At least I have this little voice
To stop and show me how
Cold steel exorcism
One shot to put me down
Cold steel exorcism
One shot to put me down
Flowing out the back of my head
A feeling of true warmth
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these lyrics are submitted by itunew3
Record Label(s): 2016 Marshland Studios
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