Midnight crashes all around, but they drown out the
sound. They compliment my dress; they're all impressed.
And everyone knows everyone, exactly like you're counting
on. The conversation swallows me and you slip by between
the words they say. Guest room. I traced your trail
upstairs, but I wasn't quite prepared to face this now.
You planned this out. Your parents dragged me back from
school to ease the pain they're dealing you. They push
you out, you pull me in. It's just the way it's always
been today. She pointed at a car in the parking lot. I
couldn't tell if she was joking. Eyes wide open as your
laughter fades. You're staring through me all the way.
All the way across the ocean, just to talk you out of
this. Now all the weight is on my shoulders, and I can't
walk away. I'm locked in if we go all the way. Morning.
I'm not used to the time. I'm lagged out of my mind. You
tiptoe through the hall. I've got a call, and it's the
school; the play's been cast. They've got me playing
Rosencrantz. And as disappointment swallows me, you say
you know just what I need today. She pointed at a car in
the parking lot. I couldn't tell if she was joking. She
looked at me as if to say she thought we could go all the
way. Chorus. s