Well i like to have a good time
Any of my friends will tell you
So if you confront me with stupidity
I'm doubly angry at you
And I say: Nip! Nap! it's all a trap
Bo! Bis! And so was this
Whoa! Whoa! To haiti go,
and watch it all come down
Ding! Dong! A silly song
Sure do say something's wrong
Smile awhile, forget the bile
and watch it all come down
So I become more lively
to bury all of the ugly
Whole persons sometimes
must be them bodies buried
And I say: Nip! Nap! it's all a trap
Bo! Bis! And so was this
Whoa! Whoa! To haiti go,
and watch it all come down
Ding! Dong! A silly song
Sure do say something's wrong
Smile awhile, forget the bile
and watch it all come down
And I toe the water
and an urchin poke me
And I must be godfather
to anyone who'll have me
Today was another day full of dread
but I never said I was afraid
Cause dread and fear should not be confused
by dread I'm inspired, by fear I'm amused
And I say: Nip! Nap! it's all a trap
Bo! Bis! And so was this
Whoa! Whoa! To haiti go,
and watch it all come down
Ding! Dong! A silly song
Sure do say something's wrong
Smile awhile, forget the bile
and watch it all come down