Skip skip skip to my blues
Now wait a minute
There’s a fly in my sugar bowl
Shoot fly shoot
A fly in my sugar bowl
Shoot fly shoot
That fly in my sugar bowl
Shoot fly shoot
I said skip skip skip to my blues
Look at here
There’s a horse in my front yard
What can I do?
There’s a horse in my front yard
What can I do?
That horse in my front yard
What can I do?
You better skip skip skip to my blues
There’s a cow in the corn field lookin’ at you
That cow in the corn field lookin’ at you
That cow in the corn field, what can you do?
You better skip skip skip to my blues
Got that little red wagon gon’ paint it blue
Got a little red wagon I am gonna paint it blue
You see, my little red wagon I am gonna paint it blue
Then I am gonna skip skip skip to my blues