The calendar year is an imperial narrative. The seven-day week is an imperial infliction. Circannual holidays are imperial flag-posts. Mechanical time is an imperial installation. The merchant workday is an imperial offering. Greenwich MeanTime is an imperial sanction. The looming weight, uniformly imposed; as albatross and as anchor. The new time-imperialists will get their way with those left: the rural, the feral, the frail. Feed them a thread, that leads to a string. They'll follow the string, until it leads to a rope, and from that rope every vestige of what was will be hung by the neck.
check amazon for Time As Imperialism mp3 download Songwriter(s): Stephen Martin, Mike Godbout, Andrew Tweedy, Matias Palacios-Hardy, Nick Shaw Record Label(s): 2005 Relapse Records Official lyrics by
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