this overgrown boy in a paper crown is eating his own to
teach you to keep it down.
your favorite show:
he's taken his guns to town.
the rattle of bones rocks when you play it loud. and the
less that you know, maybe what goes around won't ever
come around until you're deep in the ground.
so in the sweet here and the now, we're cherishing our
paper crowns.
paid and policed and so proud, i know.
ego, ego, leading the long way home. playstation glow
lighting the rush hour road.
and the less that you know, maybe what goes around won't
ever come around until you're deep in the ground.
so in the sweet here and the now, we're cherishing our
paper crowns.
paid and policed and so proud, i know.
glacial calm, profiles on.
uneasy cure, now all's secure.
in the sweet here and the now, we're cherishing our paper